Epi-Ready Team Training is a nationwide initiative intended to provide up-to-date foodborne disease outbreak investigation and surveillance training to public and private sector environmental health professionals as well as other professionals that have collaborated in conducting foodborne disease outbreak investigations. The training includes group exercises, Q&A sessions, and didactic lectures conducted over 2 days. View workshop schedule.
FREE Webinar Available! The NEHA Epi-Ready and I-FIIT Webinar, hosted by Rance Baker from NEHA and Bill Vear from MindLeaders-ThirdForce. You can view a recording of the webinar by clicking here.
For more information about this program, please contact Elizabeth Landeen, Epidemiology Project Specialist at 860.357.2097 or elandeen@neha.org or Tom Dickey, Project Coordinator, at 701.277.4833 or tdickey@neha.org.